2017년 11월 23일 목요일

kiss goodbye

Baby不要再哭泣 這一幕多麼熟
Baby bu yao zai ku qi, zhe yi mu duo yao shou xi
Baby, don't cry anymore, this scene is so familiar

緊握著妳的手彼此 都捨不得分
jin wo zhao ni de shou bi ci, dou she bu de fen chi
Tightly holding your hand, we are both unwilling to separate
緊: 진할 진
握: 쥘 악
著: 나타날 저
妳: 너 니
的: 관형어 뒤에 쓰여, 관형어와 중심어 사이가 종속 관계임을 나타냄
手: 손 수
彼: 저 피
此: 이 차

都: 모두
捨: 버릴 사
不: 아닐 부
得: 얻을 득
分: 나눌 분
離: 떠날 리

此: 서로
不得: 얻을 수 없다, Bùdé
離: 분리 된, Fēnlí不得離: 분리 없다.

每一次想開口 但不如保持安靜
mei yi ci xiang kai kou dan bu ru bao chi an jing
Every time I want to say something I instead preserve the silence

gei wo yi fen zhong zhuan xin, hao hao xin shang ni de mei
Give me a minute to concentrate on admiring your beauty

幸福搭配悲傷 同時在我心交叉
xing fu da pei bei shang, tong shi zai wo xin jiao cha
Happiness complements sorrow, crossing paths within my heart at the same time

cuo zhe de yan lei bu neng ce shi ai de zhong liang
Tears of frustration cannot measure the weight of love

付出的愛收不回 還欠妳的我不能
fu chu de ai shou bu hui, hai qian ni de wo bu neng gei
I can’t withdraw the love I already gave and I can't give you all the love I owe you 

bie ba wo xin ye dai zou, qu gen sui
Don't take along my heart to follow you

每一次和妳分開 深深地被妳打
mei yi ci he ni fen kai, shen shen de bei ni da bai
Every time we part ways, I am deeply defeated by you

每一次放棄妳的溫柔 痛苦難以釋懷
mei yi ci fang qi ni de wen rou, tong ku nan yi shi huai
Every time I give up your tenderness, it is hard to release my pain 

每一次和妳分開 每一次Kiss You Goodbye
mei yi ci he ni fen kai, mei yi ci kiss you Goodbye
Every time we part ways, Every time I kiss you goodbye

ai qing de zi wei ci ke wo zhong yu zui ming bai (wo zhong yu ming bai)
at that moment I finally fully understand the taste of love

幸福搭配悲傷 同時在我心交叉
xing fu da pei bei shang, tong shi zai wo xin jiao cha
Happiness complements sorrow, crossing paths within my heart at the same time

cuo zhe de yan lei bu neng ce shi ai de zhong liang
Tears of frustration cannot measure the weight of love 

付出的愛收不回 還欠妳的我不能
fu chu de ai shou bu hui, dan qian ni de wo bu neng gei
I cannot withdraw the love I already gave and I can't give you all the love I owe you

wo cai ming bai ai zui zhen shi de zi wei
I finally understand the truest taste of love

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