2017년 4월 17일 월요일

Simplicity(C 언어) 사용 시 Terminology

대상: Chip C8051-F560

CLI: Command Line Interface

HCI: Human–computer interaction

SMbus: The System Management Bus (abbreviated to SMBus or SMB) is a single-ended simple two-wire bus for the purpose of lightweight communication.

숫자 뒤의 'U'
C 언어에서 기본으로 int 이므로 뒤에 U 를 쓰면 unsigned 가 된다.
참조: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9029974/what-does-u-mean-after-a-number

TCON: Timer Control
Edge/Level triggered interrupt 두 방법의 차이
Edge Trigger 는 rising 혹은 falling edge 가 발생할 때 interrupt 가 발생되는 것
Level Trigger 는 특정 Level이 될 때 interrupt 가 발생되는 것

참조: https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/21886/what-does-edge-triggered-and-level-triggered-mean

IT01CF: INT0/INT1 Configuration
IT01CF = 0x0E -> (00001110)
IN0PL: 1 => INT0 Polarity, 1: INT0 input is active high
IN0SL:  INT0 Port Pin Selection Bits
IN0SL[2:0]:110 =>  110: Select P1.6

When the 8-bit count overflows, the output signal is asserted. The output signal may thereby trigger an interrupt at the processor or set a bit that the processor can read. To restart the timer, software reloads the count register with the same or a different initial value.
참조: http://www.embedded.com/electronics-blogs/beginner-s-corner/4024440/Introduction-to-Counter-Timers


Special Function Register:
SFR Page: pages when reading or modifying SFRs.
SFR Page[7:0] = 00001111 (control_page)
SFR Page[7:0] = 00000000 (active_page)

PCA (Programmable Counter Array)
PCA 주요특징.
• 16-bit time base.
• Programmable clock divisor and clock source selection.
• Up to three independently-configurable channels
• 8, 9, 10, 11 and 16-bit PWM modes (edge-aligned operation).
• Frequency output mode.
• Capture on rising, falling or any edge.
• Compare function for arbitrary waveform generation.
• Software timer (internal compare) mode.
• Integrated watchdog timer.
참조: http://igotit.tistory.com/296

Push-Pull/Open Drain 출력 설정
This answer is general to processors and peripherals, and has an SRAM specific comment at the end, which is probably pertinent to your specific RAM and CPU.

Output pins can be driven in three different modes:

• open drain - a transistor connects to low and nothing else
• open drain, with pull-up - a transistor connects to low, and a resistor connects to high
• push-pull - a transistor connects to high, and a transistor connects to low (only one is operated at a time)
• Input pins can be a gate input with a:

• pull-up - a resistor connected to high
• pull-down - a resistor connected to low
• pull-up and pull-down - both a resistor connected to high and a resistor connected to low (only useful in rare cases).
참조: https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/28091/push-pull-open-drain-pull-up-pull-down

참조: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskElectronics/comments/1ggdd6/what_is_the_crossbar_in_a_microcontroller_and_how/

0x0d : carriage return (\r)
0x0a : new line ( \n)

SFR 에 개별적으로 접근하기 위한 방법

SBIT (TI0, SFR_SCON0, 1);              // UART0 TX Interrupt Flag
SBIT (RI0, SFR_SCON0, 0);              // UART0 RX Interrupt Flag

참조: http://www.fsinc.com/reference/html/com9agk.htm

Pin Configuration
핀 구성을 도와주는 프로그램이 들어 있다.
그 툴로 셋팅을 하면 Register를 셋팅하는 코드가 나오니 그 코드를 사용하면 된다.

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