- folding code and adding appropriate comment make Understanding Big Picture easy.
- Well made function name, structure could enough but folding option is good option.
- I select Batch language(simplest syntax)
2. that function is in Visual Studio as #pragma region, #pragma endregion but other Editors don't have it.
3. in Notepad++ User can define Folding
* that need 2 function
- Comment Line Style (Comment Line Style)
- Folding in Comment Style (Comment Folding Style)
Abstract - Notepad++ Code Folding
in Notepad++ to make Customized Folding, you should make User Defined Language.(if not please, let me know)
when batch, make Keyword, Operator, String, Comment etc.. and add Code Folding
Sequence Notepad++ User Defined Language
1. decide what to make - batch
2. List to make
1) Keyword 1, 2
2) string
3) Operator
4) Comment
5) String Variable
6) Number
7) Folding(Comment)
8) start point of GOTO
9) Function name - no method yet
3. Information
1) Keyword 1, 2
- Reference 1(below)
2) String
- 'string' , "string" 사용
3) Operator
- / \ == !==! | @ * > >> < + - * =
4) Comment
- ::
5) String Variables
- %variable%, 혹은 %something
6) Number
- Default numbers
7) Folding(in Comment)
- comment :: has { and } , it could be foldded
8) start point of GOTO
- start with :
8) start point of GOTO
- start with :
4. Notepad++ Setting Screen
1) Keyword 1, 2
1) Keyword 1, 2
2) String
3) Operator
4) Comment
5) String Variables
6) Number
7) Folding(in Comment)
5. Check Effectiveness by Code Folding
5.1 Not Folded Code
5.1 Not Folded Code
![]() |
before applying Fold |
5.2 Folded Code
![]() |
after applying Fold, not Folded yet |
![]() |
after applying Fold, Folded |
Reference 1
set if else exist errorlevel for in do break call copy chcp cd chdir choice cls country ctty date del erase dir echo exit goto loadfix loadhigh mkdir md move path pause prompt rename ren rmdir rd shift time type ver verify vol com con lpt nul defined not errorlevel cmdextversion BREAK CALL CD CHDIR CLS COPY DEL DIR DATE ECHO ELSE ERASE EXIT FOR GOTO IF MD MKDIR MOVE PATH PAUSE PROMPT RD REN RENAME RMDIR SET TYPE VER VERIFY VOL SHIFT TIME CHCP CHOICE break call cd chdir cls copy del dir date echo else erase exit for goto if md mkdir move path pause prompt rd ren rename rmdir set shift type ver verify vol time chcp choice
ASSOC COLOR ENDLOCAL FTYPE MKLINK POPD PUSHD SETLOCAL START TITLE ARP AT ATTRIB BCDEDIT CACLS CHKDSK CHKNTFS CIPHER CLIP CMD COMP COMPACT CONVERT DEBUG DISKCOMP DISKCOPY DISKPART DOSKEY DRIVERQUERY EXPAND FC FIND FINDSTR FORFILES FORMAT FSUTIL GPRESULT GRAFTABL HELP ICACLS IPCONFIG LABEL MAKECAB MODE MORE NET OPENFILES PING RECOVER REPLACE ROBOCOPY RUNDLL32 SCHTASKS SETX SHUTDOWN SORT SUBST SYSTEMINFO TASKKILL TASKLIST TIMEOUT TREE WHERE WMIC XCOPY assoc color endlocal ftype mklink popd pushd setlocal start title arp at attrib bcdedit cacls chkdsk chkntfs cipher clip cmd comp compact convert debug diskcomp diskcopy diskpart doskey driverquery expand fc find findstr forfiles format fsutil gpresult graftabl help icacls ipconfig label makecab mode more net openfiles ping recover replace robocopy rundll32 schtasks setx shutdown sort subst systeminfo taskkill tasklist timeout tree where wmic xcopy