2016년 3월 12일 토요일

(E, K) Robot framework, RIDE 3 - Libraries(라이브러리)

 Test libraries provide the actual testing capabilities to Robot Framework by providing keywords. There are several standard libraries that are bundled in with the framework, and galore of separately developed external libraries that can be installed based on your needs. Creating your own test libraries is a breeze.
Let us know if there are useful libraries missing from the list.

Test 라이브러리는 Robot Framework에서 실제 테스트를 키워드를 사용해서 할 수 있도록 해준다. 기본으로 설치되어 있는 라이브러리가 있고, 필요에 따라 설치할 수 있는 많은 외부 라이브러리들이 이미 개발되어 있다. 자신만의 라이브러리를 만드는 것도 쉽다.

만약 아래 리스트에 유용한 라이브러리가 빠져 있다면 알려주기 바란다.

* 한 눈에 볼 수 있도록 긴 표로 나타내었습니다.

Provides a set of often needed generic keywords. Always automatically available without imports.
Provides means for pausing the test execution and getting input from users.
Provides a set of keywords for handling Python lists and dictionaries.
Enables various operating system related tasks to be performed
in the system where Robot Framework is running.
Special library acting as a proxy between Robot Framework and test libraries elsewhere.
Actual test libraries can be running on different machines
   and be implemented using any programming language supporting XML-RPC protocol.
Provides keywords to capture screenshots of the desktop.
Library for generating, modifying and verifying strings.
Makes it possible to connect to Telnet servers and execute commands on the opened connections.
Library for generating, modifying and verifying XML files.
Library for running processes in the system. New in Robot Framework 2.8.
Library for date and time conversions. New in Robot Framework 2.8.5.
Android library
Library for all your Android automation needs. It uses Calabash Android internally.
Library for testing Single-Page Apps (SPA). Uses Selenium Webdriver and Appium internally.
Library for Android- and iOS-testing. It uses Appium internally.
Archive library
Library for handling zip- and tar-archives.
Windows GUI testing library that uses AutoIt freeware tool as a driver.
Database Library (Java)
Java-based library for database testing. Works only with Jython.
Database Library (Python)
Python based library for database testing. Works with any Python interpreter, including Jython.
Diff Library
Library to diff two files together.
Eclipse Library
Library for testing Eclipse RCP applications using SWT widgets.
Library for Faker, a fake test data generator.
FTP library
Library for testing and using FTP server with Robot Framework.
HTTP library (livetest)
Library for HTTP level testing using livetest tool internally.
HTTP library (Requests)
Library for HTTP level testing using Request internally.
iOS library
Library for all your iOS automation needs. It uses Calabash iOS Server internally.
Cross-platform, pure Python library for GUI automation based on image recognition.
MongoDB library
Library for interacting with MongoDB using pymongo.
MQTT library
Library for testing MQTT brokers and applications.
Generic network protocol test library that offers easy way to specify network packets
   and inspect the results of sent and received packets.
Library for testing and connecting to a java process and using SwingLibrary,
especially Java Web Start applications.
Web testing library that uses popular Selenium tool internally.
Uses deprecated Selenium 1.0 and is also itself deprecated.
Web testing library that uses Selenium 2. For most parts drop-in-replacement
for old SeleniumLibrary.
Selenium2Library for Java
Java port of the Selenium2Library.
Enables executing commands on remote machines over an SSH connection.
Also supports transfering files using SFTP.
A library for functional testing of SOAP-based web services based on Suds,
a dynamic SOAP 1.1 client.
Library for testing Java applications with Swing GUI.
Web testing library that uses Watir tool.
Creating test libraries
Creating test libraries section in Robot Framework User Guide.
Provides resources and tools for writing functional Selenium tests for Plone CMS and its add-ons.
Base for implementing larger Java based test libraries for Robot Framework.
Built-in special library acting as a proxy between Robot Framework and test libraries elsewhere.
Actual test libraries can be running on different machines and be implemented
   using any programming language supporting XML-RPC protocol.
Special test library for launching Java applications on a separate JVM
and taking other libraries into use on them.

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